To handle the supply chain issues in container shipping, companies are switching back to bulk vessels. That means demand for bulk bags is increasing. While many consumers are familiar with the bulk bags that dry goods like rice and coffee are often shipped in, there is another larger bag that shippers are using. It’s called a Super Sack and while a wholesale bag of rice may hold 50 lbs., a Super Sack can hold thousands.
InterBULK, which supplies FIBCs across the US, has seen a 50% increase in sales for the sacks over the past 6 months, particularly for food and food-related products. BAG Corp has also seen an increase in demand for Super Sacks since the supply chain crisis began. The sacks are being used for both domestic trucking and international shipping.
The generic name for a Super Sack is Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container or FIBC. BAG Corp, an industrial bulk packaging company, coined “Super Sacks” in 1974 and the name stuck.